Sunday, March 27, 2011

My life with a High maintenance man

normally you think in a relationship the woman is the high maintenance one....not in mine. i try not to spend too much money on myself...i'll buy a book here and there a shirt...a pair of jeans...i try not to spend over 20 bucks for anything i buy my husband on the other drives me batty to the point of nervous breakdowns.....he wants to buy EVERYTHING.....and the money being thrown out the window has me in a panic attack right now....he got a new truck fine....the payments are lower than what he was paying for his car..but to register it omg is going to cost and arm and a leg and since he did not battle with the dealership over them having done something he told them NO to...we are having to pay an extra 1200 dollars for crap on this truck....and then about 1400 to register it.....i want to CRY cause now he wants to buy a fucking boat...a boat i dont want to buy right now....i told him its not that i dont WANT one but i dont want one RIGHT year....does he ever give a crap to how i feel about shit!?!?! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO i just want to scream and cry.....and he will get mad at ME for not wanting this stupid boat.......UGH!!!!!!! why does he have to be so damn high maintenance!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Monday, March 21, 2011


finally spring has sprung...well kinda still waiting for the weather to STAY nice!! but yesterday was a beautiful day warmed up into the 70's and i had all my windows open!! it was fantastic!! it has a chilly start to today but supposed to get warm...but with a chance of storms i hope those storms stay away like they did yesterday!!!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Siggy Drama

ohh im so sick and tired of siggy drama....i make siggies for people FOR FREE (that is so about to end) because i love doing it...but selfish unsatisfiable people make it impossible to enjoy it any make a siggy you post it.....okay something is wrong...okay no problem i fix it i post it she replies...stating "thats okay thanks" okay good....a few hours later you come back look after she has replied...SEEN THE FIXED siggy....what does she do?!?! PUTS UP A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT SIGGY...okay yes now im i remove it...why should i leave it up if she doesn't even use it right?? so she gets mad cause she tries to request another one...even though rules on the board state you cannot request another one til 14 days later...hey not our fault you didnt use what you were made you picky little....yeah insert bad word there.....then she tries to post putting the blame ON ME saying i removed it before she picked it up yeah right honey you had PLENTY OF TIME to use had time to put in a siggy that i did not make for you but didnt have time to use the one i did make??? yeah right you are stuck with a crappy looking siggy now aren't you idiot? and yes no offence to the one who made it for her...but it looks like crap HAHA

Friday, March 11, 2011

Random Photo shoot of Elyse

my cute little model did great for me yesterday!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Geese in the early morning....

so i had went outside to let the dogs out and all i heard was geese...i thought omg there must be hundreds!! so i grabbed my camera and this is what i got...i know not the best of shots but you can see how many there were!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Ready for Spring

another cold March day is upon us....the wind is blowing like crazy and i am just ready for the warm weather and sunshine and for the kids to be able to be outside ALL the time! ready for my rose bushes to bloom and ready to plant a vegetable garden!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Trials of having an almost teenager.....

I can almost feel sorry for my mom...having raised 3 girls herself...i find myself in her shoes raising 3 girls....the oldest of which is now 10. and boy ohh boy have the teenage tantrums started! everything is "you are ruining my life!" anymore and "i hate it here" ugh....makes me wonder...did i REALLY sound like that as a kid? it makes me crazy!! somedays I do not know what to do with her! trying to explain things to her calmly is near impossible! she doesn't want to listen....but i guess the good side of it all is when she DOES calm down it has all sunk into her brain what she has i have to be doing SOMETHING right....right?!?!