Thursday, February 14, 2013


So I just read this amazing blog post about laundry....I will share the link with you as well (whoever happens to be reading this anyways)  but this is my laundry story
My 12 year old will wash dry and put away her own clothes damn skippy she does!   The other two 10 and 5....they will put their own clothes away but I will wash and dry simply because they are just too damn short to reach INTO the wash machine haha...they'd fall in and I do not need that or they block the way with a chair..which happens to have a small bathroom and the back door right there and then the chair blocks the way for that...sigh....ohh well one day the 10 year old will get tall enough.  Anyways do your children do their own laundry?  What age did you start making them do that??  What about your husband?  My husband tried and failed at was bad...and I mean all the white turned red bad....yeah that was the last time I let him near the wash machine....I really do not need to replace the whites every time he tries to do laundry.  And for that matter I have banned him from the dishwasher for a time too, he put LIQUID DAWN dish soap into it....yes soapy soapy mess.   That was horrible, he is lucky I was not home at the time and did not return til he had it cleaned up, I have since taught him how to properly use the dishwasher and what soap to use and what soap NOT to use.  

anyways here is that blog link to some fabulousness

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

We have hit that stage....

You know the one that your little girl is all grown up?   Yeah that one.  She is baby....she has a "boyfriend" I asked her what that means to her...she said, someone you like, someone who is smart and funny and who she likes to hang out with and talk to.   Ohh and he plays hockey, apparently to her that is a bonus LOL.   I am still trying to wrap my head around this one though, when did my daughter get old enough to really like boys?  Not that I am discouraging her, I do not want that, I want her to be open and honest with me about things and feel comfortable talking to me about boys, and *gasp* other things like KISSING BOYS....she has not yet done that, thank goodness.....and yes I believe her when she said she hasn't, kinda hints at her not lying when the first thing that comes out of her mouth is "eww that is gross, kissing a boy" haha at least I still have that for a little while longer!  I am not sure how long that one will last though...our next talk will be about sex,  UGH!  We have talked about it a little bit....but I think its about time to dive right on in....le sigh.....I am too young for this!