Monday, December 27, 2010
December is Dwindling to an End
FINALLY!!! I can almost breath again. December is always so hectic in this house...but this year it was extra extra due to dentist appointments and doctor appointments. December 3 was Elyse's 8th Birthday, Dec 7 was Raianna's 10th birthday. Then we did a birthday party for them that included 16 screaming girls in my house on Dec 12th. Dec 6th was filled with dentist appointments for me and the girls. Then Dec 13th I had to go back to the dentist and got 2 of my wisdom teeth pulled out which was ohh a bucket load of fun...and my husband had doctor appointments Dec 13 and 15th. Then of course there was Christmas...but I got a little break from the insanity all 3 of my girls went to my moms house from Dec 22 til the 25th! I actually had a clean house for 4 days!! I wish I could say it was still clean. Now today is Dec 27th and my husband has yet ANOTHER drs appointment today....he will be having a lot of those for the next couple of months, he is not even sure WHY!!! and this week the girls are off school all week its just me and them all day every day with no break of school....whatever will we do??? still trying to figure that one out.....too cold to take them outside....and not enough places to be able to take all 3 of them to have fun....and by myself at that!
Monday, December 6, 2010
Birthday Girls
Elyse turned 8 years old on Dec 3, 2010....i cannot believe shes 8 now...time has flown by so fast!! shes finally starting to GROW!!! shes doing good in school improving so much!! very proud of her!! Raianna will be TEN YEARS OLD!!! tomorrow Dec 7, 2010....DOUBLE DIGITS!!! where on earth has the time gone!?!? seems like just yesterday my little girls were babies and now they are young ladies!!
Dentist appointments
well today we had dental appointments for me raianna and elyse....lets start with the girls...they did GREAT!! still no cavities for either of them...raianna is 10 and elyse is 8!! woohoo!!! and as for me...i haven't been to the dentist since ohh gosh 14? 15 years old?? LONG TIME AGO!! over 10 years ago!! i thought i would have a mouth of cavities and other problems...turns out i dont! lol i do have 3 small cavities but they aren't that bad she front tooth that has been bothering me recently cause of one of the kids head bumping me right in the tooth...which prompted me to really make this fine...she said there is a small stress line but it doesn't seem to have damaged yay for that....and she wants to pull some wisdom teeth on monday i'll go in and get that done and get some fillings....UGH....not sure if i jsut want her to pull the right wisdom teeth as its only the right bottom one that is a problem with it being partially covered by my gums....or just let her do all 4....yikes...not sure....
Thursday, October 21, 2010
I am a MOM
My home is filled with toys, has fingerprints on everything & is never quiet, my hair is usually a mess, makeup is a thing of the past, & I'm always tired but there is always love & laughter here. In 20 years my children won't remember the house or my hair but they will ...remember the time we spent together & the love they felt. Your children only get one childhood make it a good one...
Thursday, August 12, 2010
so we finally purchased a new house....YAY!!! its on 5.3 acres of land!! a 2 story house...with 4 bedrooms and 2.5 bathrooms...its so nice and peaceful out here! we are all loving it so much!! but we have been jammed packed with doing things...unpacking...organizing...yard work....all that on top of 3 kids and 2 dogs...been pretty dang on busy!!!
Thursday, May 6, 2010
House for SALE!!!
so my house is officially up for sale...its been up for almost 2 weeks now!! YAY!! we just had professional pictures taken today...and on sunday we have our first open house!! HOOORAY!!! hopefully it will get sold soon, as we already have a new house picked out!! i love this new house its PERFECT!! just the right size for us, and sitting on a little over 5 acres of land!!! we already have been accepted for this house, we just have to get this one sold! things have been so and doing all sorts of things to this house! but we are done...and just ready to move out now!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
The Dawn of a New Era!
The diaper free era!!!! My last little baby is fully day and night potty trained....this means never in my life will I have to buy a diaper or change a diaper!!! I have waited for this day for so long! 10 years in the making! And the day is finally here....I am beyond thrilled with this...but it is also a bittersweet moment as this day marks the day i have no more babies....and never again will have another baby......but this also means thousands of dollars saved in diapers and baby wipes....ahhhh bittersweet joy
Thursday, March 11, 2010
I feel like crying
right now i feel so couped up in my house...this is my daily routine....i get up at 5am with my husband when he gets up to start to get ready for work....i get up start his car (in the cold) usually make his lunch for him unless he is going out to lunch.....sometimes i'll lay out his clothes and his wallet and phone and keys etc try to make his day less hectic......then he leaves for work around 6am....sometimes this is when helena wakes up so i get her out of bed....get her whatever she movie....whatever it may be at the time.....7:30 rolls around and i get the girls up for school....make sure they get dressed....brush their hair....have breakfast....brush teeth....make sure they have all their stuff in their backpacks send em out the door at 8:20 to get on the bus...then its me and helena home all day....unless by some miracle i need to get to the store then i pack up helena and go to the store....or i stay home do dishes, and laundry and vacuum and make food for her....entertain her....make sure she uses the bathroom....etc....etc.....i WISH in all that she would take a nap....but at 2 she has already given those up.....only occasionally can i get her to actually lay down and SLEEP.....i do get on the computer during the day its my only sanity i really have.....i have no one else to talk to really during the day except for the women on the message boards i am apart of.....and i really find that horribly sad....and i feel empty inside....i really do.....girls come home at 4 we do homework....and i try to get them to help me clean up or put away their laundry which more times than not end up in them getting mad at me for me telling them to do these things.....sometimes i feel like their little slave.....isn't that what a mom is though?? i make dinner....and i hate it when the kids complain about what i make for really gets to i can't do anything right by a mom on the edge....about to tip one way or another.....husband comes home around 6pm....except today he is out having a good old time seeing off an old friend and i sit here and resent him for it....when do *I* get to go out and have a good time like that? feels like i wont say i have never gone out and had fun with a only friend really...or my husband cause i have.....but when i look at it he has gone out and had more of those nights than me....and i sit here and i just get upset about it plans for going out this week have fallen friend doesn't have the funds and my husband seemed to have drained ours in a months time.....and i really dont care that he has bought these just saddens me cause i think hell i could have gone out and had some ME time with my friend....even if she didnt have the funds i could have paid for her movie ticket and her dinner....if my husband hadn't spent so much im couped up for at least another week.....we do have plans for next week....but i sit here and wonder if those will fall through? and onto after dinner....i try to relax...husband is usually bed....on his computer...watching tv....and i resent that as well sometimes cause i am the one who does the dishes after dinner and clean up after making it.....and i do admit i do ask him to do it every once in a while....but honestly i dont want to have to ASK for it....i want him to volunteer to do it.....and bedtime comes around....who do you think makes sure the kids get showers....brushes their teeth jammies on? ME.....who picks up the two year old fighting and screaming for a sippy cup....not wanting to go to bed even though i refuse to give her a sippy cup at night and puts her to bed while she is tryng to kick me and yells and screams? ME!!!!! i AM TIRED.....i am tired of doing laundry...i am tired of tired of doing dishes.....i am tired of cleaning....I AM TIRED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am a mom....this is my life.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
gonna be another crazy busy day!!
so the craziness all started this weekend when i had 7 kids at my house....what was i thinking??? i'll tell you what i was my niece had her 9th birthday party on including her and her sisters and my 3 girls there would have been 7 girls...and then my nephew there....who would have been the only boy there....and so i felt bad for him and he has a friend that lives across the street from me so i decided i would bring him with me (with the okay of my sister) and also we were watching a friends 3 kids as well 2 girls....1 YAY another boy which brought the total to 3 boys and 9 girls....still a little uneven but at least there was more than one anyways....after the party i brought my 3 home my friends 3 kids home and the other boy home with me 7 kids....well i decided it would be FUN (haha hind sight right?) for them all to stay the night and of course they were all super stoked!!! so yeah they spent pretty much all day sunday at my house too but it was cool the kids all had a blast.....but let me tell you they eat and drink a LOT....which brings me to my hectic day today....that i will be the son of our friend with 3 kids...dh did end up taking him out to hang out for a bit and got him a soft pellet gun but bringing it back here and they were playing with it in the basement....well it kept getting jammed so we need to return his mom is coming over to drop the gun off so i can do that later today hopefully....and then i am gonna go and get him a new one....and then i need to go to get a couple of movies....The Boondock Saints 2!!! yay so excited for that one and Zombieland (not so excited for that) and then go to the grocery cause as i said before those kids ate me out of house and home over the weekend!!! LOL and hopefully i can accomplish this all before 4pm before my kids get home from school...and AFTER they get home for school i have to head back out the door with the oldest 2 (dh thankfully is keeping the baby home with him) and go back up to their school at 6pm for a family festival thing.....dh doesn't want to go cause walking is hard for him...he has a bad back (arthritis and stenosis)...bad hips...etc after being at work and driving 2 hours of course all he wants to do is just relax and not to mention the girls school is it it jammed packed with people and having a rambunctious 2yr old in that setting who has to walk everywhere is NOT ideal LOL
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Case of the Missing Sippy Cup Part II
so the missing sippy cup mysteriously appeared in my living is now sitting in the sink....probably destined for the trash i am afraid to open it....who knows what horrors lie within.....
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
the case of the missing sippy cup
so we are currently down to one sippy cup for helena in this house...previously it was 2....she has either lost or destroyed all but one now.....and the missing sippy cup in question has been missing for a few weeks now. now let me tell you i do not know what was put in that sippy cup last, but i can say that when it is found....if it is ever will most likely go right to the trash i cannot open up a sippy cup and find horrors inside without wanting to this missing sippy cup....has a date with the trash whenever it is found.....
A Day of Cleaning
so i thought to myself, "today you need to really clean!" now i clean pretty much EVERY day....but never do i actually clean EVERYTHING haha....i know i should but the cleaning just gets so monotonous....that i drag and delay and procrastinate on it....but looking around i just felt motivated to get some stuff done!! so far i have already cleaned my bathroom....vacuumed...did the dishes...put a load of laundry away....took a box of tools to the basement....picked up various clothes and toys and blankets that the kids had lying around the house.....took out the would think that i am done...but alas i am not there are still a few things i have yet to for instance i got another load of laundry in the in the wash and one last load to wash....but the laundry is never ending....everytime i near the end of that task more piles up on me!! i need to also clean the kitchen table off....and organize my computer desk more....i got most of it cleaned up the other day but it still looks very messy!
Sweet Little Girl
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Not enough hours in the day
on days like today when i have so much to do, i think to myself....why can't the day be longer? there are two new movies out on dvd today, Ponyo and Where the Wild Things Are, so i have a trip to Nebraska Furniture Mart planned to go grab those, but it doesn't open until 10am. so i have one more hour before i can leave. then i also need to go to the grocery store today, and i wont do that til after i get the movies, because i am not a big fan of driving back and forth, i also need to give my car a bath, which i need to do sometime between getting the movies and getting groceries, as it is really dirty thanks to all the melting snow. i know it wont stay clean for long with more melting snow but i really need to get all the salt off of it so as i do not ruin the paint......i also wanted to go to the library sometime today, need a new book to read....but i dont know where i'll fit that into my plans for the day. ohh and i also want to stop by my moms house to borrow her paper shredder as i do not have one....when i'll do that? who knows! but all of this i need to accomplish before 3pm so i can be home when the girls get home from school...and still manage to squeeze in lunch and prepare dinner.....
Just Listen!
sometimes i wonder why my kids do not listen to a word i say....i mean it would really save a lot of frustration on everyone!! if i tell you to do something...just do it....don't roll your eyes at me, don't make noises....that only leads to more problems! so if i tell you to do something once, just do it don't make me repeat myself! things go a lot smoother when that happens.....cause really mommy does not appreciate juice spilling all over her floor, or clothes strung out all around the house, or any other such nonsense! and i am sure you don't appreciate being yelled at for said why not JUST LISTEN??
Monday, March 1, 2010
The Life of a Mom
is very change cook more...clean laundry...although if you are a mom like me you often let laundry pile up and then when you go to do laundry you gasp in horror and wonder to yourself "how did i let the laundry pile up so high?" well i know why cause you are TIRED of doing the laundry!! tired of folding and putting away and trugging up and down the stairs to do it....its not a fun chore...its BORING...there is no excitement in doing laundry.....i guess the same can be said about doing dishes....all you do is stand there and move about the kitchen a little bit! but at least the dishes are one thing i have kept up on....i made a vow to myself to NOT let the kitchen sink pile up with dishes, and we are on week 3 of that vow and it has been great, i no longer walk into the kitchen and want to cry! i wish i had the same motivation with doing the laundry, but then again the laundry is not something i look at every sits in a basket til it gets full then it gets taken down to the laundry room and i do one or two loads....and then it sits...and sits...and i forget about it because it is not staring me in the face. but today i am hoping to change that....i want to get all caught up...and stay caught up! we will see how that one goes.....
so i had no idea that static electricity could reset a everyone else knows IT CAN!!! LOL dh touch the thermostat yesterday and shocked it via static electricity and it reset it all to its original settings...well we totally forgot that it did over night the temp was 62*!!! it is FREEZING to say the least in this house this morning and i have since set it up to 73* my poor kids are huddled in blankets not wanting to get ready for school!! LOL
Hey MOM!
Thursday, February 25, 2010
No Motivation
i sit here and stare around at my house, and know what a mess it is. but yet i have no motivation to even attempt to clean or do anything. i stare at my computer desk in awe of the clutter, and think to myself "how did i let it get like this?" at one point i could actually SEE the desk....but now...alas...i forget there is one there and think maybe everything is floating in mid air....why can i not motivate myself to clean up this mess? i am tired, maybe a bit lazy? i don't know but i wish i could find the motivation to do something about it.....i suppose i just feel a little burned out right now.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Thursday, February 11, 2010
He's HOME!!!
hubby got home 3 days early!! he was supposed to come home tomorrow but with all the snow on the east coast they told them to get out if they he was able to make it home Tuesday night, as i was a bit upset that he didnt call at all to inform me of plans as the night before he said he would find out in the AM if he was getting out and lead me to believe that if he didnt call in the AM it was because of the rush and he wouldn't have time, so I assumed that he would call me when he could as i was assuming i would be picking him up from the airport....but as it turned out he got on a flight that one of the other co-workers was on and her and her husband drove him home....but the important thing is that he is home and the girls are so happy that he is! as am I as well!!! its been nice spending the days with him as he took the week off of work :) we have all missed him so much!!!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Going a little crazy
So it has been 16 days home with the kids all by myself....I am slowly going insane I really....I need a night out or something. But alas I know I will not be getting that anytime soon! Helena just today decided to KEY her wall....after I had already painted I have to go back over that and REPAINT what she KEYED....I have no idea why she did that....on the plus side I am getting a new carpet put in my bedroom on monday! YAY!!! The carpet in there is finally that is getting done and as soon as that happens and I have the room put back together I'll post some before and after pics of that room.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Missing my Husband
So I am sitting here it is 11:20pm....I am really exhausted....but I just can't sleep. I really haven't been sleeping good at all for the last couple of husband left for work on Jan 21st....and its would think I would be used to it by now....its not the first and def won't be the last time! But it really does not get easier. As the girls get older, it really gets harder....they understand more and express how sad they are that he is not here with them....and that alone breaks my heart. But I really have been trying to keep myself busy with working on our house, trying to get it ready to sell....with painting and what not....and it really has worked making things go by faster!
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