Friday, June 3, 2011


so this weekend is going to be SOOO hectic for me...tomorrow i get to take a 1.5 hour drive to omaha, drop off the boy who has been with us since friday....stop by my cousins house to drop off her kid's things they left at our house when they came the girls to a birthday party by 12:30...turn around and drive 1.5 hours back home to get ready to go out with the hubs....who knows how late we'll be.....try to get some sleep to wake up just to drive 1.5 hours BACK to omaha to pick up the girls, since they'll be staying the night at this birthday party probably stop by my moms house so the girlies can visit with grandma...then drive 1.5 hours BACK home....and i think when i get home i'll take a nap...yeah that sounds just fine.....

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