Friday, November 25, 2011
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Summer is almost over
and i am so ready for school to start. which is august 18th! the girls thankfully are excited for it to start....this summer has been crazy busy! between birthdays and bbq's and housework and yardwork....its been fun though.
helena celebrated her 4th birthday on July 20th, we had her birthday party July 24th...she had a blast! it was great to see good friends! here are a couple of pictures of the party, and a video
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Friday, June 3, 2011
so this weekend is going to be SOOO hectic for me...tomorrow i get to take a 1.5 hour drive to omaha, drop off the boy who has been with us since friday....stop by my cousins house to drop off her kid's things they left at our house when they came out....drive the girls to a birthday party by 12:30...turn around and drive 1.5 hours back home to get ready to go out with the hubs....who knows how late we'll be.....try to get some sleep to wake up just to drive 1.5 hours BACK to omaha to pick up the girls, since they'll be staying the night at this birthday party probably stop by my moms house so the girlies can visit with grandma...then drive 1.5 hours BACK home....and i think when i get home i'll take a nap...yeah that sounds just fine.....
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

so today is the last day of school for Raianna and Elyse! it has been quite the year! we moved at the end of the summer right before school started....so this was a brand new school for them...they both did so well too! Raianna is now moving on to middle school....5th grade!!!! Elyse will be moving onto 3rd grade and Miss Helena is in pre-school right now! I can't believe how fast my little girls are growing up!!! it scares me sometimes! they are my babies and i wish they could be kids forever!
Monday, May 2, 2011
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Well this year we did easter on the saturday before because it was supposed to be a nicer day than easter itself...while it was nicer...it wasn't much nicer! but the girls still had a lot of fun finding eggs and getting their baskets! We also had our neighbors over with their two little ones to have fun with our girls!

Saturday, April 16, 2011
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Helena starts school tomorrow!!!
so as of tomorrow i will have 2-3 days a week TO MYSELF!! whatever shall i do?!?! clean?? scrap?? BOTH?!?! i will now get to grocery shop ALONE with no little kid saying "i want this i want this..." ohh that is going to be great!!! i'll be able to work in my garden without little feet crushing my vegtables! ohh that will be nice!! i am so excited! but i bet i'll be lost and not know what to do without her!
Sunday, March 27, 2011
My life with a High maintenance man
normally you think in a relationship the woman is the high maintenance one....not in mine. i try not to spend too much money on myself...i'll buy a book here and there a shirt...a pair of jeans...i try not to spend over 20 bucks for anything i buy myself....now my husband on the other hand.....omg.....it drives me batty to the point of nervous breakdowns.....he wants to buy EVERYTHING.....and the money being thrown out the window has me in a panic attack right now....he got a new truck fine....the payments are lower than what he was paying for his car..but to register it omg is going to cost and arm and a leg and since he did not battle with the dealership over them having done something he told them NO to...we are having to pay an extra 1200 dollars for crap on this truck....and then about 1400 to register it.....i want to CRY cause now he wants to buy a fucking boat...a boat i dont want to buy right now....i told him its not that i dont WANT one but i dont want one RIGHT NOW...next year....does he ever give a crap to how i feel about shit!?!?! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO i just want to scream and cry.....and he will get mad at ME for not wanting this stupid boat.......UGH!!!!!!! why does he have to be so damn high maintenance!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Monday, March 21, 2011
finally spring has sprung...well kinda still waiting for the weather to STAY nice!! but yesterday was a beautiful day warmed up into the 70's and i had all my windows open!! it was fantastic!! it has a chilly start to today but supposed to get warm...but with a chance of storms i hope those storms stay away like they did yesterday!!!
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Siggy Drama
ohh im so sick and tired of siggy drama....i make siggies for people FOR FREE (that is so about to end) because i love doing it...but selfish unsatisfiable people make it impossible to enjoy it any longer.....you make a siggy you post it.....okay something is wrong...okay no problem i fix it i post it she replies...stating "thats okay thanks" okay good....a few hours later you come back look after she has replied...SEEN THE FIXED siggy....what does she do?!?! PUTS UP A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT SIGGY...okay yes now im mad...so i remove it...why should i leave it up if she doesn't even use it right?? so she gets mad cause she tries to request another one...even though rules on the board state you cannot request another one til 14 days later...hey not our fault you didnt use what you were made you picky little....yeah insert bad word there.....then she tries to post putting the blame ON ME saying i removed it before she picked it up yeah right honey you had PLENTY OF TIME to use it.....you had time to put in a siggy that i did not make for you but didnt have time to use the one i did make??? yeah right whatever....now you are stuck with a crappy looking siggy now aren't you idiot? and yes no offence to the one who made it for her...but it looks like crap HAHA
Friday, March 11, 2011
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Geese in the early morning....
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Ready for Spring
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Trials of having an almost teenager.....
I can almost feel sorry for my mom...having raised 3 girls herself...i find myself in her shoes raising 3 girls....the oldest of which is now 10. and boy ohh boy have the teenage tantrums started! everything is "you are ruining my life!" anymore and "i hate it here" ugh....makes me wonder...did i REALLY sound like that as a kid? it makes me crazy!! somedays I do not know what to do with her! trying to explain things to her calmly is near impossible! she doesn't want to listen....but i guess the good side of it all is when she DOES calm down it has all sunk into her brain what she has done...so i have to be doing SOMETHING right....right?!?!
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Monday, February 21, 2011
Scissors and 2 toddlers

Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Saturday, February 5, 2011
I am a mother....
i cook, i clean, i do laundry, i take care of the kids, i take care of the dogs. i do EVERYTHING. when im sick...i dont have someone waiting on me hand and foot...when im sick i still get up and still cook and clean and do laundry and take care of the kids and the dogs....i SHOW my children how to organize their rooms and put things away...but no...i get them shoving everything under their beds and into their closets...trash all over their floors and strings hanging from the ceilings and lamps...i get clean clothes mixed with dirty clothes so i have to wash everything all over again....i get asked if i need help when im already almost done with what im doing....i shouldn't have to ASK for help from my kids or my husband...they should OFFER to help me or better yet if they see something that needs to be done and i have not gotten to it...to just DO IT...instead of waiting and EXPECTING me to do it.....its all i feel like im EXPECTED to do it all...i get out of my house alone or just with my husband maybe once every 2-3 months...and maybe a couple of times do i actually get to the grocery store ALONE...or other household errands that i must run....i dont have the luxury of having someone watch my kids every weekend like a lot of mothers i know....not that i would want to go out EVERY weekend...because i AM a mother first and foremost...but to get out once or twice a month without the kids....would do a world of good for my sanity and make me a better mother (and i really dont understand how some mothers can go out ALL the time leaving their kids to go party it up and get drunk every weekend...to me that shows a serious lack of responsibility)...cause right now im so closed up in this house away from everything but the mess of the house that i no longer have any desire to clean up....that i have no care if the world if it stays a mess...but i still try to clean it up as to not make my husband upset....but sometimes it just too much and i get so sick and tired of doing it ALL...i get asked...why not have the kids help...well that is pretty pointless cause of the reasons stated eariler...it doesn't GET CLEANED!!!!!!! i am so burnt out right now...i want to scream and cry...and im jealous....of those mothers who get to go out every once in a while...those who have sitters for their kids....those who have family members that would be willing to watch their kids...grandparents who would watch their kids if even for an hour or two...yeah i do that that SOMETIMES...but it happens very rarely and when it does happen i do cherish it and love it up....but it happens maybe 2 or 3 times a YEAR....and im jealous of my husband....who can go out at the drop of a hat....he gets invites to go out all the time and he doesn't have to worry about staying home with the kids...cause its MY JOB.....he can go out with friends...hang out....and when he asks me to come along the responsibility of finding a sitter falls ONTO ME....rarely will he help me find a sitter...it makes me feel as if he doesn't WANT me to go...i feel that if he did he would put forth the effort to help me find a sitter....its stirring up some resentment in me that i am just not liking...and i dont know what to do!!!!
Thursday, January 27, 2011
i always dread that word when its yelled out from across the house and its coming from the bathroom. that means my three year old is in there...in the dark....waiting for me to wipe her ass. i cannot wait til this stage is over with...i have passed the bottles, and the diapers, now its just the endless butt wiping...which by the way she is very capable of doing all by herself....cause she does it all the time....she just likes to tell me she wants ME to do it...not her....so i probably could just let her sit there...but then that would be mean right? no? should i try it?
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